Free Admission
Donation only
March 21-22, 2025
Friday: 7:00 pm
Saturday: 2pm and 7pm
Doors open 2 hours before each show
Call 574-518-0401 for more information.
John the Baptist
Temptation in the Wilderness
Woman at the Well
Calling of the Disciples
Sermon on the Mount/Feeding of 5,000/Blind Man
Raising Lazarus
Triumphant Entry
Upper Room
Jesus Before Pilate
Who we are
Christ’s Warriors is a faith based registered (501.3.C) not-for profit group that consists of 21 area churches, which includes 70 cast members plus tech personnel that have a strong desire to share the many events in the life of Jesus.
You will experience One of the most vivid portrayals of Jesus as he walked this Earth. You will be drawn back more than 2000 years ago into the presence of Jesus. You will witness his preaching, teachings, healings, and the raising of the dead. All this will put you in awe of the presentation, eventually leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The History of the Passion Play
In 2007 the conception of “On a Hill too Far Away” was first presented at the United Church of Christ in Goshen, Indiana. From that first year, this Passion Play has grown into a major presentation.
With the growth in attendance, we have moved to a larger venue. In 2022 and in 2023 we have had the privilege to share our presentation at the Michiana Event Center “MEC” in Shipshewana, Indiana.
We are grateful for this beautiful, large facility. Admission is strictly donations at the door.
Christ’s Warriors rely strictly on donations to present this play to our community.
With your support and generosity, we are able to continue putting on this presentation of Christs’ life with donation only admission. Thank you