Come enjoy showing in a new coliseum, warm-up arena and stall area- ALL AIR CONDITIONED! 350 stalls and both arenas are 100 x 200! You can explore shops full of Amish handiwork and crafts along with wonderful home cooked meals.
Stalls/ Information:
Allison Mitchels
Host Hotel: Farmstead Inn (ask for MEC horse show rate) 370 S Van Buran St, Shipshewana, IN (260) 768-4595
Camping: $38-47 (165 sites) 260-768-7627
FLAT RATE OPTION - $315.00 per horse for both shows. Includes all classes, AQHA processing fees & IQHA fees. Does NOT include: NSBA classes, RV, shavings, stall or grounds fee.
Stalls: $100.00 – till July 12, $115 per stall thereafter Horses that show in Open and Am halter in both shows will receive a discounted rate of $70 AQHA $12 per class/judge NSBA
All Breed Yearling Longe Line: $15.00
NSBA Dual/Approved Classes: $12.00 each. Single set of points.
Small Fry: $7.5/Judge or $25/judge all day
Shavings: $8/bag
Grounds Fee (no stall): $25/horse/day
IQHA Fee: $2.50/horse/judge (IN points are doubled)
AQHA Fee: $6/horse/judge